We decided to compile to create a blog post highlighting our top 5 books on finding purpose and creating change. The following books have been ranked based on customer reviews, sales, and a social media poll. Enjoy!
Change: revolutionise your life
Book synopsis: Change for the better begins with understanding. Society wants you to believe that a fulfilled life constitutes a typical story arc of birth, education, work, and death. The question I put forward is: If your life were to follow this path, would you be content? The answer is no, as this path neglects your purpose and dreams and forces you to morph your life around its perception of normal. However, the sad reality is that 99% of people’s lives will be charted in this exact manner. You must break away from this reality, as it leads to nothing other than the destruction of your soul. You are a creature of expression and unrivalled creativity. Do not settle for a basic existence in which you exchange your dreams for security, as this will dampen the fire of meaning within.
Overall rating: 9/10
Content rating: 9/10
Enjoyability: 8.5/10
Reformli says: ‘A must read if you are looking to mould your life into something worth living, not only will this book help you create change, it will completely alter your mindset for the better.’
Dream Chasers
Book synopsis: What are you? A wanderer marching to the beat of normality, you were once the protector of your dreams, possessing an inextinguishable fire of persistence. You dreamed of a better life, a place where your heart and soul were at peace. Now tell me what changed? When did you stop believing? Was it when life told you your dream was a lie, or when society forced you into adulthood?
No matter what, you must not give up on your happiness and purpose because once those die, so does part of you. Do not let your one life go to waste; you are different, born to stand out. Go chase your dream, for once the moment is gone, it will never come back.
Overall rating: 8.5/10
Content rating: 9/10
Enjoyability: 7.5/10
Reformli says: ‘ An exceptional book that helps guide those who are in pursuit of a dream/goal no matter how small or big it may seem.’
Why? Finding your purpose in life
Book synopsis: Do you feel as if you’re just drifting through life? Struggling to find purpose and meaning in a world that seems to not care? Do you feel as if you are destined for something different but are struggling with direction? The most serious crisis confronting society is obvious, but little is being done to address it. We are becoming a nation of wanderers, with the pursuit of meaning and purpose becoming a secondary goal. The life we want to live and the dreams we hold so close to our hearts are being taken away from us by a society that is forcing its supposed meaning onto us. We have to change that if we are to live a truly fulfilled life, and that begins right now! No more idle wasting of our time; our journey of understanding begins today.
Overall rating: 8.5/10
Content rating: 7/10
Enjoyability: 8.2/10
Reformli says: ‘Our purpose and pursuit of meaning are key to our existence. This book aims to help you construct a life based around what you hope to achieve through its proven step-by-step methodology. However, more than anything, it aims to alight a fire of discovery inside, putting you on the most rewarding path of all: the discovery of yourself.’
Ascent to greatness becoming the best at what you do
Book synopsis: Do you feel as if you’re destined for something big? Has fate written something special for you? If this is the case, the answer is simple: greatness comes at a cost, for no man ever accidentally stumbles upon excellence. Those of whom we look up have conquered doubt and paid for change through an obsession that would look unhealthy to the wondering eye. You say you want to be the best. You say you want glory? Yet your actions are not consistent with the results you want to achieve; you must be reborn. born with a vengeance to take the greatness that is owed and unleash the power that resides within. Only once this is unlocked will you transcend into the realm of greatness! Normality will turn you into a bottom feeder; fight against it with all your might.
Overall rating: 8/10
Content rating: 7.5/10
Enjoyability: 8.5/10
Reformli says: ‘Self-discovery and improvement are paramount to human development; we all want to be better, smarter, and stronger, but it all begins with change. This book is eye-opening because it develops a personal strategy for being better. If winning is your objective, you need to read this book!’
Making every minute count
Book synopsis: Would you prefer a life filled with memories and happiness? A life in which you can look back with no regrets? Do you feel as if time is running out? that you’re not living life the way it should be?
Life was designed to be beautiful, filled with energy and moments we hold onto forever, not merely a passing of existence that we are forced to endure. Yet look around you. Society is at war with our freedom. It steals our time and forces us into a form of slavery it labels “work.” How can we call this freedom? Our time is locked in unfulfilling labour when it should be spent living out our dreams; you don’t deserve to grow old without ever having lived. So, you must take control of your life and morph it into something worth living.
Overall rating: 7.5/10
Content rating: 8/10
Enjoyability: 9/10
Reformli says: ‘ Take back control of your time and start living a fulfilled life, the Reformli team really outdid themselves with this title. They managed to blend the right amount advice, information, and motivation to really make us question what we are doing with our time’.
To Conclude
That rounds off our book spotlight of the week! We hope you gained insight into some of our top books. Hopefully one day you, too, will begin your journey of enlightenment with us!