Concepts and ideation taken from ‘The Last Self Help Book You Will Read’ (Refomli)
The Way Of The World
Do you wish for your time on earth to be meaningless? For no one to remember anything you did? to be placed in your grave and forgotten, the casket closed, and your story come to an end.
Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, this is how it ends for 99% of people. A life spent watching others conquer the world, chase their dreams, and constantly push the boundaries of what you believed to be possible. Today is the day you are going to change that!
So, Lets get into it!
Number one: You are a Watcher.
Instead of concentrating on how to better yourself and situation, you’re too interested in other people’s lives and their success. Religiously, you will tune in every Saturday to watch a football game or sit and talk about meaningless politics. You spend hours every week doing this but refuse to spend the time thinking about your own life and how you are going to achieve your goals.
Why watch others when you should be concentrating on the path your own life is taking?
The solution?
It’s simple: start to monitor your time and how you spend it. Instead of investing in others, start investing in yourself, become more interested in your own development and where you want to go in life as opposed to other peoples who don’t even know you exist!
I want you to envision the best version of yourself and understand that the only difference between high achievers and you, is the amount of hard work and time they have invested to become the person they are today.
Do you think that these star athletes and entrepreneurs on their way up were concerned with what other people were doing, or were they grinding away at their craft aiming to become the best in the world.
Like the American author John C Maxwell said, ‘Dream’s don’t work unless you do!’
So, stop watching and force yourself into action! Otherwise, your life and potential for success will slowly start to drift away.

Number 2: You Lack Focused Action Towards Your Goals
This is what sets apart the achievers from the losers in life: the ones that win are those that consistently take purposeful action towards their goals. And this doesn’t mean sitting and talking about your plans all day with your friends or mum.
I mean objective progress on a daily level. If you can’t look back on each day with at least 3–4 tangible things you have done, then you are clearly doing something wrong.
On top of this, your actions need to be specific to your goals.
For example, if you want to improve a specific muscle group in the gym, just exercising wouldn’t achieve that; you need to target that muscle. And this applies to anything in life!
How can you expect to move closer to your dreams if you’re not even working towards them!
What’s the solution to this lack of focus you may ask? The answer is simple.
I want you to clearly define your goals in life and physically write them down on a piece of paper as a reminder of where you want to go and what you want to achieve.
Now that you can visualise and see the end destination, you can question every one of your actions to see if they are helping you move towards your goal.
At the end of every day, look at what you have completed and then ask yourself, “Have any of these things helped move me towards where I want to go in life?”
If yes, perfect,
If not, then Something needs changing, whether that be you, or your daily routine.

Number 3: Your Intensity
Anyone in the world who has ever achieved something has had to visit a place where not many people are able to go, and the only way to get there or achieve an ounce of excellence is to create a level of intensity that looks mad to normal people.
It’s this intensity, coupled with obsession that will be your single most accurate indicator of success.
Whether it be working 60 hours a week or staying late after practise when everyone is gone,
be assured that, If you are not willing to become obsessed and relentlessly chase your goals, your success will be limited.
That leaves us with the simple question, “How can I build this level of obsession or intensity?”
The answer is one you might not like!
Your level of intensity and obsession with a task is dependent on how heavily what you are doing relates to your purpose in life.
If you need someone to motivate you to work harder, I hate to break it to you, but you’re doing the wrong thing.
If this was truly your life’s calling or something that your heart was set on, you would constantly push your boundaries in an attempt to be the best without any outside motivation.
But regardless, there is still something you can do to develop that tenacity.
- Find your purpose: Don’t waste your time on things that don’t matter to you. Make sure you’re doing something you can see yourself in for the rest of your life. This way, you will already be country miles ahead of the competition because what your doing is in sync with your internal drivers.
- Demand more from yourself: You don’t need a scientist to understand that the more you put in, the more you get out . Whenever you’re doing something that’s going to push you further towards your goals, imagine yourself on the road to your dreams, and every step gets you one step closer to the final destination.
When you are able to visualise your journey like this, it allows you to squeeze that extra level of productivity out because you understand where you are trying to go, and how hard you must work in order to get there.
These 3 points mentioned above, although they don’t guarantee your success, do help you develop the mental framework needed for excellence. And if you are able to implement these teachings into your daily activities, you will automatically start to see an improvement in all aspects of your life, simply because of how focused and aggressive you are towards your goals.
The Most Important Message!
Remember this.
When you are chasing success, there is no magic potion or formula that will get you there. The road is full of highs and lows, Peaks and troughs that will bring you to the edge of your sanity, and no matter how hard you try most of you will fail and only a handful will succeed.
Does this mean you stop and accept normality?
No, because at the end of this journey, is a life very few have seen or experienced. and even though you might not make it there, you owe it yourself to shoot for betterment. Look deep into yourself, find your inner greatness, and trust yourself to bring it out. because no one else can!
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